- Bandmitglieder:
Haggis, Heitham Al-Sayed, James Barrett, John Morgan (3), Kirsten Haigh, Nick Michaelson
- Genre: Metal
Ähnliche Künstler
Age Of Panic
Let There Be War
- Eject
- Age Of Panic
- Liquidity
- Let There Be War
- No Comply
- States Of Mind
- Wounded Spectre
- Break The Order
- Time Travel Scratch
- Witch Village
- Devoid
- Chemtrails
- Echelon
- Alpha Omega
- Let There Be War
- Chemtrails
- Echelon
- Liquidity
- Alpha Omega
- Break The Order
- Wounded Spectre
- Witch Village
- Time Travel Scratch
To The Capsules