Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa
Ctulhu - The Unspeakable
Unholy Ancient Masters
Thou Art Lord
- Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa
- Ctulhu - The Unspeakable
- Unholy Ancient Masters
- Thou Art Lord
- Al Azif - The Canticle Of Magicians
- Shoggoths (Summon The Hate)
- Cycle Of The Entity
- Abominations Rise
- Archôn Tôn Daimonion
- Millenary Evil Conspiracy
- Thou Art Lord
- Al Azif - The Canticle Of Magicians
- Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa
- Shoggoths (Summon The Hate)
- Archôn Tôn Daimonion
- Millenary Evil Conspiracy
- Abominations Rise
- Cycle Of The Entity
- Ctulhu - The Unspeakable
Awaked By Impurity Rites