- Bandmitglieder:
Laurence Hunt,
Lou Ciccotelli, Matthew Eaton, Rosie Cuckston, Sam Owen
- Genre: Indie , Electronic
The Owl Service
The Mermaids' Hotel
Dancing On A Star
- The Owl Service
- Gravity
- The Mermaids' Hotel
- Dancing On A Star
- Distant Islands
- Little Angel, Little Monkey
- Goodbye
- Penny Arcade
- Blue
- Shadows
- Paper Hats
- Mother Of Pearl
- Nightwatch
- The Pawnbroker
- The Archivist
- Things Left On The Pavement
- Play Of The Waves
- My Father The Clown
- Bewitched
- A Million Bubbles Burst
- Doll's Eyes
- Where The Sea Stops Moving
- Sailing Stones
- Mayfly
- Footprints Towards Zero
- The Midnight Room
- Ladder To The Moon
- Shadow In Twilight
- Wave Of Translation
Across The Meridian
Alle Videos von Pram (24)