The Preemptive Art (Striking First & Hardest)
Killing Time
Long Cold Night
- Euchreist
- The Preemptive Art (Striking First & Hardest)
- Killing Time
- Long Cold Night
- War Song
- Axe Of Fiction
- Hegemonic Bastards Network (HBN)
- Serenade
- Life Gone Solitary
- Fingerprints
- Decentralize
- Simulatuon & Simulacra
- I'll Meet You At The End
- We're Going Hunting
- I'll Meet You At The End
- Hegemonic Bastards Network (HBN)
- Fingerprints
- Serenade
- Killing Time
- Simulatuon & Simulacra
- We're Going Hunting
- Euchreist
- War Song
Music As Weaponry