- Bandmitglieder:
Anthony Mein, Dave Wood
- Redistribution Of Filth
- Inner Reflections
- Origin
- Permanence
- Redistribution Of Filth
- Inner Reflections
- Origin
- Permanence
- Debased Humanity
- Kill Yourself
- Designed To Expire
- Manimal Instincts
- Mental Torment
- Finite
- Inhuman
- Committed
- Banishing Illusion
- Fornever
- Ubiquitous
- Endless Cure
- Reciprocal
- Swarm
- Cloning The Stillborn
- Conceiving Death
- Heat Death
- Nostalgia For Oblivion
- Cullscape
- Decolonizer
- Panoptical
- Cogito, Tamen Non Sum
- Chaosmos
- Ecophagy
- Revolucion
(2022) -
Unparalleled Universe
(2017) -