- Like The Magic
- Shit Shaft (The Truth Is)
- Star Rider
- Cutem (Holodeck)
- Like The Magic
- Shit Shaft (The Truth Is)
- Star Rider
- Cutem (Holodeck)
- Invested (Homb)
- Chortles
- Holy Rocket Sauce (Pudgicles)
- Bash
- Intro (Abletomn Sucka)
- Cheddo (Onaroc)
- Goose Drugs
- Understanding Wonderlanding
- Dontakextra (Jabba Lykada Mungke)
- Trunk Love (Butt Mustard) 1880's
- Lucity (Asshat)
- Strucking
- Incrediblind
- Razorblade Famous
- Poutlast (Stone Age)
- Digital Rivers (Road To Cordland)
- Intro (Abletomn Sucka)
- Star Rider
- Cutem (Holodeck)
- Holy Rocket Sauce (Pudgicles)
- Invested (Homb)
- Cheddo (Onaroc)
- Goose Drugs
- Incrediblind
- Shit Shaft (The Truth Is)