Pulled to Bits (Siouxsie and the Banshees cover)
The Malkin Jewel
- Pulled to Bits (Siouxsie and the Banshees cover)
- Metatron
- Aegis
- The Malkin Jewel
- Ambuletz
- Birthday
- Molochwalker
- El Ciervo Vulnerado
- Day Of The Baphomets
- Scene Three: Facilis Descenus Averni
- Dyslexicon
- Desperate Graves
- Candy And A Currant Bun
- Televators
- Plant A Nail In The Navel Stream
- Miranda, That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore: C. Pisacis (Phra-Men-Ma)
- With Twilight As My Guide
- Meccamputechture
- Trinkets Pale of Moon
- Copernicus
- The Requisition
- Collapsible Shoulders
- Equus 3
- Tourmaline
- No Case Gain
- Palm Full Of Crux
- Flash Burns From Flashbacks
- Cerulea
- Que Dios Te Maldiga Mi Corazon
The Mars Volta