Symphony Of War Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Symphony Of War
  2. We Rise
  3. Million Sinners World
  4. Evil Magician
  5. In The Name Of Heathen Gods
  6. Monte Cristo
  7. I'm A Lionheart
  8. Unholy Abyss
  9. Metallic Tragedy – Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part I
  10. Metallic Tragedy – Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part II
  11. Metallic Tragedy – Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part III
  12. Metallic Tragedy – Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part IV
  13. Metallic Tragedy – Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part V
  14. Metallic Tragedy - Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part IV
  15. Metallic Tragedy - Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part I
  16. Metallic Tragedy - Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part V
  17. Metallic Tragedy - Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part II
  18. Metallic Tragedy - Chapter 2: The Holy Pentalogy Part III