Luke Kelly - The Performer Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Whiskey In The Jar
  2. Muirsheen Durkin
  3. The Black Velvet Band
  4. Monto
  5. Hand Me Down Me Bible
  6. Kelly The Boy From Killane
  7. Maids When You´re Young Never Wed An Old Man
  8. Scorn Not His Simplicity
  9. The Town I Loved So Well
  10. Dirty Old Town
  11. The Rocky Road To Dublin
  12. Farewell To Carlingford
  13. Raglan Road
  14. Paddy On The Railway
  15. The Auld Triangle
  16. The Hot Asphalt
  17. Come To The Bower
  18. The Night Visiting Song
  19. The Wild Rover
  20. Maids When You're Young Never Wed An Old Man