Celebration Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. This Mother's Heart
  2. Land Of My Fathers
  3. Someone To Watch Over Me
  4. Heroes
  5. Jerusalem
  6. Amazing Grace
  7. I Vow To Thee, My Country
  8. Abide With Me
  9. I Could Have Danced All Night
  10. Cwm Rhondda
  11. All Things Bright And Beautiful
  12. God Save The Queen
  13. Ae Fond Kiss
  14. We'll Meet Again
  15. You'll Never Walk Alone
  16. Sanctus
  17. Rule Britannia
  18. How Great Thou Art
  19. World In Union
  20. God Save The Queen (1 Verse)