Bloody Brilliant Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Bloody Brilliant
  2. Guess This Is My Life Now?!
  3. Wild Again
  4. Absinthe
  5. Suck Elsewhere
  6. Eerybody Has A Fetish!
  7. Antisocial
  8. I Love It When You Call Me Daddy!
  9. Tracy Should Be Dead By Now!?
  10. A F*****y's Tale
  11. Absinthe Pt. 2
  12. Hooker Life
  13. You Moan So Loud, The Moon Got An Errection!
  14. Apathy
  15. Lost
  16. All Those Years
  17. Annihilation
  18. Yes! I Like It Freaky!
  19. A Song To Fuck To
  20. Take Me Now!
  21. I Love It When You Call Me Daddy! (Rock Version)