Rockstar Garageband
- Heart & Soul
- Patiently
- Dumb
- I Sleep With My Boss
- Isn't There Something
- John Doe
- Thinkin Bout Cha
- Wanted
- Girls
- Love Song 4 My Ex
- Clear
- Baseball
- Psycho
- Roach House
- Overdone
- Rockstar Garageband
- Heart & Soul
- Patiently
- Dumb
- I Sleep With My Boss
- Isn't There Something
- John Doe
- Thinkin Bout Cha
- Wanted
- Girls
- Love Song 4 My Ex
- Clear
- Baseball
- Psycho
- Roach House
- Overdone
I video dell'album Inspired By A TrUe Story
- Heart & Soul
Inspired By A TrUe Story
- (2006)
- by