Epic Tales & Untold Stories Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. The Grimoire
  2. Disappear In Dark Shadows
  3. Vain Endeavour
  4. Free
  5. Fernweh
  6. We Are Legion
  7. Cruel Fantasy
  8. Pray For Salvation
  9. Lord Of Earth And Heavens Heir
  10. The Dragons Lair
  11. Defenders Of The Crown
  12. Border Raid In Lions March
  13. Gladiator Of Rome (part 1)
  14. Gladiator Of Rome (Part 2)
  15. Wasted Years
  16. The Chosen One
  17. Dark Knight
  18. Thieves Of The Night
  19. Rise Or Fall
  20. Thrice Blessed
  21. Luciver's Waltz
  22. Surrender
  23. Thunder