Turtle Nipple And The Toxic Shock Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Hahahahahahaha
  2. Giant Mantis VS. TURT Nip
  3. How Many Dad's Must Eat Themselves?
  4. 3000, 100 Points, 100pts, Gummy Octopi
  5. H.D.EYE Hybrid Cyborg
  6. Trot Line Beer Can
  7. The Toxic Shock Mountain Blues
  8. R4TB3LLY
  9. Eagle Mewnadria
  10. Supernova Ninja Surfers
  11. Is This Your Homework?
  12. Green Genes
  13. Wasted
  14. Rotten Church / Mall / Parking Lot
  15. Please, That Bitch Will Outlive Us All
  16. Short Term Exposure, Long Term Damage
  17. How Many Dad’s Must Eat Themselves?