- Bandmitglieder:
Jon Paul 'JP' Johnson (Stimme-Gitarre), Aaron Johnson (Gitarre), Adam Johnson (E-Bass), Marc Slutsky (Schlagzeug)
- Genre: Rock , Emo , Punk
Being Human
The Let Down
Let It Bleed Again
- Being Human
- The Let Down
- Let It Bleed Again
- White
- I Belong To No One
- Fallen Soldier
- Nothing Further From The Truth
- Waste Your Tears
- Automatic
- This Road Before
- I Was So Wrong
- Could Have Been There
- Down
- Shadow
- Falling Down
- Oxygen
- Bury Me
- Say Your Last Goodbye
- I'm So Happy I Could Die
- Fallen Angel
- I'm So Happy I Could Die
- White
- This Road Before
- I Was So Wrong
- Fallen Angel
- Being Human
- Bury Me
- Waste Your Tears
- Nothing Further From The Truth
This Road Before
(2007) -
What Doesn't Kill You