It's People Like You Who Give People Like Me A Reason To Write Songs Like This About People Like You
Requiem At 34th
Second Amendment Versus Sixth Commandment
A Silent Play In Black And White
- It's People Like You Who Give People Like Me A Reason To Write Songs Like This About People Like You
- Requiem At 34th
- Thanatopsy
- Second Amendment Versus Sixth Commandment
- A Silent Play In Black And White
- To Negate The Dreams Of Man
- So That's What Anthrax Smells Like (Scott Ian, Take A Bath)
- You Had Me At 'I Wish You Were Dead'
- Yes, I Know Zachary Taylor Was A Great War Hero And All, But That Doesn't Mean For A Second He Can Cut My Hair
- You Had Me At 'I Wish You Were Dead'
- Yes, I Know Zachary Taylor Was A Great War Hero And All, But That Doesn't Mean For A Second He Can Cut My Hair
- To Negate The Dreams Of Man
- Thanatopsy
- So That's What Anthrax Smells Like (Scott Ian, Take A Bath)
- Second Amendment Versus Sixth Commandment
- Requiem At 34th
- It's People Like You Who Give People Like Me A Reason To Write Songs Like This About People Like You
- A Silent Play In Black And White