Memories of Love, Eternal Youth, and Partygoing Titelliste

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  1. Lonely Days
  2. She-devils Of The Deep
  3. Hopeless
  4. Death Opened A Boutique
  5. You Pretend To Be The Moon

  6. Blond Adonis
  7. But You're So Beautifu
  8. A You You Never Knew

  9. Real Summer

  10. Memories Of Love
  11. You Steal The Scene

  12. Losing Your Affection

  13. The Slow Fade

  14. Doris Daytheearthstoodstill

  15. A Thousand Lovers In A Day
  16. Bathysphere
  17. I'm A Vampire
  18. From Some Dying Star

  19. Viennese Lift

  20. Smash The Beauty Machine
  21. The Control Room
  22. Find An Open Window
  23. Kiss Me Only With Your Eyes
  24. Jakarta

  25. No River
  26. Cartoon

  27. The World Is A Disco Ball

  28. A Drink Is Just The Thing
  29. Sadder Than The Moon
  30. Let's Go To Sleep (and Never Come Back)

  31. Satan, Your Way Is A Hard One

  32. A New Kind Of Town
  33. All I Care About Is You
  34. Living, Loving, Partygoing

  35. Keep Your Children In A Coma

  36. How Very Strange
  37. Love Is A Luxury I Can No Longer Afford

  38. Digging My Own Grave

  39. Drink Nothing But Champagne
  40. When Evening Falls On Tinseltown
  41. O! What A Dream It Was
  42. Hopeless (stephin Vocal)
  43. Love Is Blue

  44. How To Get Laid In Japanese

  45. I'm Lonely (and I Love It)
  46. My Blue Hawaii

  47. Cafe Hong Kong

  48. Good Thing I Don't Have Any Feelings
  49. Don't You Want Me

  50. The Dj From Outer Space
  51. The Lonely Robot
  52. Mr.punch
  53. Hopeless
  54. Berlin On $10 A Day
  55. Love Is A Luxury I Can No Longer Afford
  56. A You You Never Knew
  57. Satan, Your Way Is A Hard One
  58. The World Is A Disco Ball
  59. Cartoon
  60. Let's Go To Sleep (and Never Come Back)
  61. Viennese Lift
  62. You Steal The Scene
  63. Losing Your Affection
  64. Doris Daytheearthstoodstill
  65. Digging My Own Grave
  66. Don't You Want Me
  67. Love Is Blue
  68. Cafe Hong Kong
  69. Jakarta
  70. From Some Dying Star
  71. How To Get Laid In Japanese
  72. Real Summer
  73. My Blue Hawaii
  74. You Pretend To Be The Moon
  75. Living, Loving, Partygoing
  76. The Slow Fade
  77. Keep Your Children In A Coma