Drakkars In The Mist Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Before Battle I Embrace
  2. Hoplites Awaiting Command
  3. Hugin & Munin
  4. Grimnismol (The Ballad Of Grimnir)
  5. Hogtid
  6. Sworn To The Raven
  7. Great God Pan
  8. Drakkars In The Mist
  9. Midgard Farewell
  10. De Tause Fjell
  11. If I Should Fall
  12. When Long Ships Arrive
  13. On Wings Divine
  14. Thunders Of War
  15. The Bane Of Giants
  16. Kingdom Of The Shades
  17. The Riding Of The Queen Boudiccea