- Genre: Indie , Electronic
Jake Summers
Pull Off Your Arms and Let's Play In Your Blood
I'm Beginning to Think You Prefer...
Lumpy Dough
- Jake Summers
- Pull Off Your Arms and Let's Play In Your Blood
- I'm Beginning to Think You Prefer...
- Lumpy Dough
- Megameanie
- Do You Karate?
- Digifucker
- I'm Beginning To Think You Prefer 90210 To Me
- Something Global
- Lend Me Your Face
- Can Head
- Tie Me Up With Jackets
- Snore Bore Whore
- Battlestations
- Recyclable Ass
- Do You Karate
- Pull Off Your Arms and Let's Play In Your Blood
- I'm Beginning to Think You Prefer...
- Do You Karate?
- Can Head
- Snore Bore Whore
- Recyclable Ass
- Lumpy Dough
- I'm Beginning To Think You Prefer 90210 To Me
- Megameanie
Fight Like Apes And The Mystery Of The Golden Medallion