The Mechanical Sound Of The Heart
The Misunderstand That We Have To Explain Ourselve
The Night [Between Me And You]
- The Mechanical Sound Of The Heart
- boberto
- The Misunderstand That We Have To Explain Ourselve
- The Night [Between Me And You]
- Portrait
- The Safe Place
- The Dusk
- Kronos
- We Misunderstand Ourselves
- Russian Roulette
- The Day [For Her Who Limps]
- The Sunset [Romeo And Juliet Are Not Dead]
- Scenarious Change
- boberto
- The Night [Between Me And You]
- The Sunset [Romeo And Juliet Are Not Dead]
- The Day [For Her Who Limps]
- The Dusk
- Russian Roulette
- Kronos
- We Misunderstand Ourselves
- Portrait
Romeo And Juliet Are Not Dead
(2003) -
Hellfest 2002 Promo
(2002) -
The Safe Place