Dr. Octagonecologyst Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Intro
  2. 3000
  3. I Got To Tell You (A Visit To The Doctor)
  4. Earth People
  5. No Awareness
  6. Real Raw
  7. General Hospital
  8. Blue Flowers
  9. Technical Difficulties
  10. A Visit To The Gynecologyst
  11. Bear Witness
  12. Dr. Octagon
  13. Girl Let Me Touch You
  14. I'm Destructive
  15. Wild And Crazy
  16. Elective Surgery
  17. Halfsharkalligatorhalfman
  18. Blue Flowers Revisited
  19. Waiting List
  20. 1977