He Lives In You (Elijah Kelley) [The Lion King]
Reflection (Keke Palmer) [Mulan]
Kiss The Girl (Colbie Callait) [Little Mermaid]
Cruella De Vil (Selena Gomez) [101 Dalmatinos]
- He Lives In You (Elijah Kelley) [The Lion King]
- Reflection (Keke Palmer) [Mulan]
- Kiss The Girl (Colbie Callait) [Little Mermaid]
- Cruella De Vil (Selena Gomez) [101 Dalmatinos]
- Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Elliott Yamin) [Lion King]
- Real Gone (Billy Ray Cyrus) [Cars]
- Someday My Prince Will Come (The Cheetah Girls) [Snow White]
- When You Wish Upon A Star (Kathe Voegele) [Pinoccio]
- You'll Be In My Heart (Drew Seeley) [Tarzan]
- That's How You Know (Demi Lovato) [Enchanted]
- If I Didn't Have You (Emily Osment & Mitchel Musso) [Monsters Inc]
- You'll Be In My Heart (Drew Seeley) [Tarzan]
- When You Wish Upon A Star (Kathe Voegele) [Pinoccio]
- That's How You Know (Demi Lovato) [Enchanted]
- Someday My Prince Will Come (The Cheetah Girls) [Snow White]
- Reflection (Keke Palmer) [Mulan]
- Real Gone (Billy Ray Cyrus) [Cars]
- Kiss The Girl (Colbie Callait) [Little Mermaid]
- If I Didn't Have You (Emily Osment & Mitchel Musso) [Monsters Inc]
- He Lives In You (Elijah Kelley) [The Lion King]