True To Your Heart (Raven-Symoné) [Mulan]
A Whole New World (LMNT) [Aladdin]
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (Stevie Brock) [Song Of The South]
Once Upon (Another) Dream (No Secrets) [Sleeping Beauty]
- True To Your Heart (Raven-Symoné) [Mulan]
- A Whole New World (LMNT) [Aladdin]
- Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (Stevie Brock) [Song Of The South]
- Once Upon (Another) Dream (No Secrets) [Sleeping Beauty]
- When You Wish Upon A Star (Ashley Gearing) [Pinoccio]
- Welcome (Jump5) [Brother Bear]
- The Second Star To The Right (Jesse McCartney) [Peter Pan]
- It's A Small World (Baha Men) [It's A Small World]
- Anytime You Need A Friend (The Beu Sisters) [Home On The Range]
- Circle Of Life (DC Circle Of Stars ) [The Lion King]
- A Dream Is A Wish (Daniel Bedingfield) [Cinderella]
- Siamese Cat Song (Hilary Duff & Haylie Duff) [Lady And The Tramp]
- Baroque Hoedown (They Might Be Giants) [Disney's Electrical Parade]
- He's A Tramp (The Beu Sisters) [Lady And The Tramp]
- Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (Stevie Brock) [Song Of The South]
- When You Wish Upon A Star (Ashley Gearing) [Pinoccio]
- Welcome (Jump5) [Brother Bear]
- True To Your Heart (Raven-Symoné) [Mulan]
- The Second Star To The Right (Jesse McCartney) [Peter Pan]
- Siamese Cat Song (Hilary Duff & Haylie Duff) [Lady And The Tramp]
- Once Upon (Another) Dream (No Secrets) [Sleeping Beauty]
- It's A Small World (Baha Men) [It's A Small World]
- He's A Tramp (The Beu Sisters) [Lady And The Tramp]