Distant Relatives Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Intro (Something New)
  2. As We Enter
  3. Revolutionary
  4. Count Your Blessings
  5. Belief is Key
  6. Africa Must Wake Up
  7. Black Horizon f. K’naan
  8. Only the Strong
  9. Our Generation
  10. Empowerment
  11. AID
  12. Let’s End It (Poverty)
  13. The Earth
  14. Black Man’s Paper
  15. Weed On
  16. Leaders
  17. Strong Will Continue
  18. Land Of Promise
  19. Nah Mean
  20. Friends
  21. Patience
  22. Dispear
  23. Tribes At War
  24. My Generation
  25. In His Own Words
  26. Ancient People