- Bandmitglieder:
Deacon 'Da Villain', Kno,
Mr. SOS, Natti
- Genre: Hip hop
- The Morning
- America Loves Gangsters
- Urutora Kaiju
- Hourglass
- The Morning
- America Loves Gangsters
- Urutora Kaiju
- Hourglass
- Doin' Alright
- Mexico
- Don't Leave (When Winter Comes)
- South
- Georgia
- Friendgirl
- Hey
- Drunk Dial
- Sunrise/Sunset
- The Distance
- Georgia (Remix)
- Hellfire
- Takin The Loss
- Fukinwichu
- So Live!
- South California
- Earth To Venus
- No Universe Without Harmony
- Oh Honey
- Hustlers
- Jimi & Andre (B-Side)
- Mr. Morganfield & Ms. Waters (A-Side)
- Any Way The Wind Blows
- Gone
- Violet (The Upper Room)
Rose Azura Njano
(2017) -
Strange Journey Volume 3
(2014) -
Strange Journey Volume One