- A Soldiers Tale Songtext
- Beast Slayer Songtext
- Eternal Flames Of Metal Songtext
- Gatekeeper Songtext
- Heavy Metal Never Dies Songtext
- In Thy Power Songtext
- Inquisition (The Quest Pt II) Songtext
- Inquisition - the Quest Pt.2- Songtext
- King Of Transilvania Songtext
- Long Live the Warriors Songtext
- Mercenaries of Metal (The Quest Pt I) Songtext
- Mercenaries of Metal - the Quest Pt.1- Songtext
- Metal Brothers Songtext
- Mighty Warrior Songtext
- Morphine Dreams Songtext
- Mr. Gold Songtext
- Over And Over Songtext
- Rapid Fire Songtext
- Rivers Of Pain Songtext
- Shark Attack Songtext
- Steel Against Steel Songtext
- Stronger Than Evil Songtext
- Swords and Diamonds Songtext
- The Midas Touch (Samurai) -the Quest Pt.3- Songtext
- The Midas Touch / Samurai (The Quest Pt III) Songtext
- The Sleep Of The Innocent Songtext
- The Story of the Swords Songtext
- Through the Skies Songtext
- Thunder and Lightning Songtext
- Travellers In Time Songtext
- Triumph of Steel Songtext
- Warsong Songtext
- When Hell Freezes Over Songtext
- Wolfcry Songtext