Indoctrination Procedure
Hell Earth
Arrival 2033
- Indoctrination Procedure
- Hell Earth
- Superiors
- Arrival 2033
- Frozen Hope
- Xenomorphized Soul Devoured
- Waterfalls Of Darkness
- Black Warriors
- Precipice Gaped
- Outer Empire
- New Pantheon
- Introduction
- Crionics
- Disconnected Minds
- Episode Of The Falling Star
- Black Manifest (The Sermon To The Masses)
- Celestial Interference
- Total Blasphemy
- FFF (Freezing Fields Of InFinity)
- NeuThroneAeon
- Black Warriors
- When The Sun Goes Out...
- Frozen Hope
- Outer Empire
- Humanmeat Cargo
- Hell Earth
- Superiors
- NeuThroneAeon
- Arrival 2033
(2007) -
Armageddon's Evolution
(2004) -
Human Error Ways To Selfdestruction