Juke On Jelly
Massive Action
- Treehouse
- Meditation
- Juke On Jelly
- Massive Action
- Jumbotron Hype Song
- Sitcom
- The Optimist
- BBC News
- Julia
- Jax
- Light As Anything
- Restoration
- Winslow
- Airplane Mode
- Home
- Team Sports
- Golden
- Gumshü
- Frogville
- Companion Pass
- Zap
- Thriller
- Hästråtta
- Hardtop
- Ring Of Saturn
- Turbo
- Follow The Light
- Stevie Wonder Medley (feat. The Hornheads)
- Bluebird (feat. Eddie Barbash)
(2021) -
Cory And The Wongnotes
(2021) -
Trail Songs : Dusk