Wu Tang Martial Expert
- The Weeping Tiger
- Sheherezad, My Beloved (The Greatest Love Story Ever Told - Chapter I)
- Death To America
- In The Name Of Allah
- Jewels
- Brothers Aint Brothers
- Blazing Saddles
- Damascus
- Dart Tournament
- The Saga...
- Forever Michael (Wacko Tablo)
- Elephant Juice
- Deaf, Dumb & Blind
- Valentine Day Massacre
Wu Tang Martial Expert
The Weeping Tiger
Sheherezad, My Beloved (The Greatest Love Story Ever Told - Chapter I)
Death To America
In The Name Of Allah
Brothers Aint Brothers
Blazing Saddles
Dart Tournament
The Saga...
Forever Michael (Wacko Tablo)
Elephant Juice
Deaf, Dumb & Blind
Valentine Day Massacre
I video dell'album I
- The Weeping Tiger