- Bandmitglieder:
Joey Z.,
Keith Alexander,Louie Beateaux,Mark Piovanetti, Paul Bento, Peter Steele
- Genre: Hardcore , Metal
Children Of Bodom
Flotsam & Jetsam
Ähnliche Künstler
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- Male Supremacy
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- Sex & Violence
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- Thermonuclear Warrior
- God Is Dead
- Predator
- World Wars III & IV
- Technophobia
- World Wars III And IV
- U.S.A. For U.S.A.
- Carnivore
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- Jesus Hitler
- S.M.D. (Suck My Dick)
- Inner Conflict
- World Wars III And IV
- Sex & Violence
- Ground Zero Brooklyn
- Sex & Violence
- U.S.A. For U.S.A.
- Maniac Depression
- Technophobia
- Jesus Hitler
- Inner Conflict
(1987) -