- Bandmitglieder:
Gibby Haynes,
Jeffrey Pinkus, King Coffey,Kramer (2), Paul Leary
- Genre: Punk , Rock
Flaming Lips (The)
Revolting Cocks
Sonic Youth
Daniel Johnston
Ähnliche Künstler
Shit Like That
Intelligent Guy
Boiled Dove
John E. Smoke (Live)
- Shit Like That
- Intelligent Guy
- Boiled Dove
- John E. Smoke (Live)
- Whatever (I Had A Dream)
- Creep In The Cellar
- The Shame Of Life
- Dum Dum
- Suicide
- Get Down
- Sweat Loaf
- Something
- Bar-B-Q Pope
- Fast
- The Weird Revolution
- Moving To Florida
- Sea Ferring
- Tongue
- Wichita Cathedral
- To Partner
- Who Was In My Room Last Night?
- Whatever (I Had A Dream)
- Two Part
- To Parter
- Revolution Part I And Ii
- P.s.y
- Julio Iglesias
- John E. Smoke (Live)
- Jingle Of A Dog's Collar
Weird Revolution
(2001) -
Electric Larryland
(1996) -
Indipendent Worm Saloon