- Richtiger Name: Bradley Glenn Walker III
- Geburtsdatum: 14 - 11 - 1969
- Geburtsplatz: Cartersville, Georgia, Stati Uniti
- Genre: Rock , Indie
Biographie: Butch Walker wuchs in Cartersville, Georgia, auf und betätigte sich während der 1980er-Jahre in zahlreichen Rockbands (u. a. Bad Boyz, Byte The Bullet) als Gitarrist. 1988 brachte er Byte The Bullet nach Los Angeles, wo sie bei Virgin Records unter Vertrag kamen. Die Band änderte den Namen zu SouthGang und veröffentlichte zwei Alben: Tainted Angel (1991) und Group Therapy (1992). SouthGang war...  [mehr]
- Maroon 5
- Hedley
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- Pete Yorn
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Ähnliche Künstler
- Here Comes The...
- A Song For The Metalheads
- Best Thing You Never Had
- Spark: Lost
- Here Comes The...
- A Song For The Metalheads
- Best Thing You Never Had
- Spark: Lost
- A Song Without A Chorus
- Can We Just Not Talk About Last Night
- Teenage Lust
- So At Last
- 21+
- When Canyons Ruled The City
- Thank-you Note
- The 3 Kids In Brooklyn
- Ponce De Leon Ave.
- Mixtape
- Trash Day
- Paid To Be Excited
- Irish Exit
- Race Cars And Goth Rock
- I Just Want You To Want This Again
- Ladies And Gentleman... The Lets Go Out Tonights!!
- Lean Into Me
- The Band Plays An Encore
- The Negotiator
- Don't Let It Weigh Heavy On Your Heart (with Elizabeth Cook)
- Holy Water Hangover
- Tell Me I'm Pretty (Bethamphetamine Pt 2)
- Bar Fight
- Slow Leak
- State-line Fireworks (with Sue Clayton)
Butch Walker As... Glenn
(2022) -
American Love Story
(2020) -
Over The Holidays And Under The Influence