- Bandmitglieder:
Andrew Tweedy, Matias Palacios-Hardy, Mike Godbout, Nick Shaw, Steve Martin (3)
- Genre: Hardcore , Metal
- The Seductive Nature Of Female Sexuality
- Time As Surrogate Religion
- II
- Time As Imperialism
- The Seductive Nature Of Female Sexuality
- Time As Surrogate Religion
- II
- Time As Imperialism
- IV
- Terrortourismology
- Social Skingraft
- Introduction
- Along The Edge Of A Straight Razor
- VI
- I
- Clockwork (Birth Of The Chronophile)
- Time As Ideology
- Time As Commodity
- Time As Automation
- Epilogue
- Kroc Of Shit
- Progress Is Dead And Death Is Progress
Spoils Of Failure
(2009) -
(2005) -
Suspect Symmetry