- Bandmitglieder:
Andreas Hedlund, Asgeir Mickelson, Øystein G. Brun,
Erik Brødreskift,Infernus (2),Ivar Bjørnson, Jens F. Ryland,Kristoffer Rygg, Lars Nedland,Simen Hestnæs, Tyr (5)
- Genre: Metal
- In Flames
- Paradise Lost
- Dimmu Borgir
- Emperor
- Old Man's Child
Ähnliche Künstler
- Genesis Torn
- Rivalry of Phantoms
- Frostrite
- The Presence is Ominous
- Genesis Torn
- Rivalry of Phantoms
- Frostrite
- The Presence is Ominous
- The Wonder
- Havoc
- Cynosure
- Traveller
- Ascension Of Our Fathers
- The Beauty Of Dead Cities
- Resonance
- Revolt
- White
- Inherit The Earth
- The Earthling
- Cyclus
- The Rhymes Of The Mountain
- Embers
- Ad Noctum
- Witching Hour
(2024) -
True North
(2019) -
Winter Thrice