- Richtiger Name: James Munoz, Jeremy Talley, Ross Ott, Michael Pedicone, Darren Simoes
- Hotel Coral Essex
- Red Wedding
- Dale Earnhardt's Seatbelt
- Guttershark
- Hotel Coral Essex
- Red Wedding
- Dale Earnhardt's Seatbelt
- Guttershark
- Breathing Room Barricades
- Crawling Home
- Running Through Walls
- Threes Away
- Meet Me in the Bone Orchard
- Devolver
- My Bitter Half
- Beheaded My Way
- Ruth Buzzi Better Watch Her Back
- Antarctica
- F Is Forensics
- Some Just Vanish
- With An Urgency
- You Should Be Ashamed Of Myself
- Asleep On The Frontlines