Chemical Holocaust Titelliste

    Klicken Sie auf einen Titel, um das Video des Songs sehen!
  1. Bender
  2. Zoodiac
  3. Trip Off
  4. Edward The Liquorhands
  5. Propaganda
  6. Faggotura
  7. Eight Hours Bread
  8. Pickled Temelín
  9. Le Ketamin
  10. Killing Anus (Cock And Ball Torture Cover)
  11. Citron B
  12. Jesus Crystal
  13. Creation's Scourge (Krisiun Remake)
  14. Sandokal
  15. Ashtray Made Of Pork
  16. U-herák
  17. A Life's A Life (Disrupt Cover)
  18. Schindler's Acquaintance Service
  19. Composed By SPEAKERMASSAGE / SS3X
  20. Composed By VA-AN-YA